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96.00  Rating Score
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Of 38 ratings posted on 3 verified review sites, HILL CHIROPRACTIC has an average rating of 5.00 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 96.00.

Hill Family Chiropractic had a vision and mission to help as many people as possible live the life they were born and created to live. The reason we get great results is due to our very specific proven system. We have helped people with autism, ADHD, heart disease, diabetes, allergies…you name it. Our system of health involves 4 steps to elevating your health we call “The Core 4″. These steps to elevating your health are function, fitness, nutrition and education. We invite you to come to our office to elevate your health so you can experience life! Dr. Jason Hill has grown up in a chiropractic family with his father and a uncle being a very significant chiropractic influence. “When I was a young boy I troubled with bronchitis that would haunt me every year like clockwork. Wheezing, croupy, very sick to the point I would stop breathing and rushed to the emergency room. In the midst of my childhood my father changed his career of a teacher and coach of 25 years to a chiropractor so that he could help people with their illnesses. I started getting my spine adjusted and since then have never had another breathing problem.” Dr. Jason earned his Doctorate degree in Chiropractic from Los Angeles Chiropractic College in 1997. With a passion for learning the best and latest in chiropractic care, Dr. Hill attends many seminars for continued education above the required amount. Some his studies include applied kinesiology, pediatrics, sports injuries, extremities, nutrition and overall wellness. It is integral to Dr. Hill to constantly improve and update his knowledge in the field of chiropractic, with an emphasis on caring for children. Dr. Jason currently has a practice in Paris Texas and also joins his father practicing in Sulphur Springs, Texas.

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