Iwona Wysocka, DDS

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91.00  Rating Score
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Of 26 ratings posted on 1 verified review site, Iwona Wysocka, DDS has an average rating of 4.90 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 91.00.

Iwona Wysocka, DDS, leads her practice located in Bayonne, New Jersey, where she offers family and cosmetic dentistry services. Dr. Iwona Wysocka is a native of Poland and graduated with her dental degree from the Medical University of Gdańsk. She worked in Poland as a dentist for several years before coming to the United States. Dr. Iwona Wysocka earned her Doctor of Dental Surgery from the New York University College of Dentistry in New York City. Dr. Iwona Wysocka has been transforming smiles and changing lives at her private practice for over 15 years. She speaks English, Polish, and Russian, and accepts patients of all different ages and financial backgrounds. When you come to the office of Iwona Wysocka, DDS, you receive your own individualized treatment plan. During your appointment, Dr. Iwona Wysocka takes the time to thoroughly explain your treatment options, so that you fully understand them and make an informed decision. Dr. Iwona Wysocka believes not only in compassionate, affordable care but also advanced technological care. At her practice, she uses digital software and imaging, coupled with the latest tools in the dental field. For a caring dentist who puts your oral health first, trust Dr. Iwona Wysocka.
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