TOP RATED LOCAL®, the TOP RATED LOCAL® shield and all related names, logos, product and service names, designs and slogans are trademarks of the Top Rated Local, LLC or its affiliates or licensors. You must not use such marks without the prior written permission of Top Rated Local, LLC. All other names, logos, product and service names, designs and slogans on this Website are the trademarks of their respective owners.

Authorization to Use TOP RATED LOCAL® Trademarks

1. General authorization. During the term of your Top Rated Local, LLC advertising agreement, Top Rated Local, LLC grants you a nonexclusive, non-assignable and nontransferable license to use the TOP RATED LOCAL® name and use TOP RATED LOCAL® trademarks only as set out in this agreement. You agree that TOP RATED LOCAL® trademarks may not be otherwise used, copied, reproduced, or altered in any manner. This license is only valid so long as your account with Top Rated Local, LLC is current. Upon termination of the agreement, nonpayment, or any other action that, in the sole discretion of Top Rated Local, LLC, negatively affects your status as a current licensor, you must immediately cease use of all Top Rated Local, LLC’s trademarks.

2. Use of TOP RATED LOCAL® Name. You may display the TOP RATED LOCAL® name on advertisements provided to you by Top Rated Local, LLC. You may also display TOP RATED LOCAL® on your businesses website within the scope of the permission granted below.

3. Use of TOP RATED LOCAL® Shield. Your businesses may, within the scope of permission granted below, advertise your TOP RATED LOCAL® status by using the TOP RATED LOCAL® Business Shield (“the Shield”) as it may be modified by TOP RATED LOCAL®. TOP RATED LOCAL® will provide the shield to you in a digital format. You must not alter the Shield in any way. You must receive prior written permission to adjust the size of the Shield, and approval will not be granted unless the new size does not distort the Shield proportions, is legible and is at least (XX) pixels high and (XX) Pixels wide. Nothing in this agreement or in your use of the Shield or TOP RATED LOCAL® name will give you any right whatsoever in the TOP RATED LOCAL® name or Shield, or in similar names or marks, beyond the right granted in this agreement.

4. Advertising TOP RATED LOCAL® Rating. You may, within the scope of permission granted below, advertise your TOP RATED LOCAL® rating. Upon learning of a change in your TOP RATED LOCAL® rating, you must immediately correct any advertising that includes the rating. You are encouraged to include the Shield (and statement of TOP RATED LOCAL® affiliation when permitted) in conjunction with advertising your TOP RATED LOCAL® rating.

5. Scope of Permission.

a. Online Advertising

Places: For the term of this agreement, you may use the term TOP RATED LOCAL® or the TOP RATED LOCAL® Shield in advertisements created or approved by Top Rated Local, LLC or one of its affiliates or licensors. You may display the TOP RATED LOCAL® Shield on your website or sites where you advertise so long as the Shield is current and hyperlinks to your TOP RATED LOCAL® Business Review. The seal may also be used in the signature block of email correspondence with a hyperlink to your TOP RATED LOCAL® Business Review. You may also, at your option, list your TOP RATED LOCAL® rating on your website, so long as the site may be immediately revised should the TOP RATED LOCAL® rating change and as long as the usage does not imply that the license or rating applies to a different business or entity. A currently licensed business may state “TOP RATED LOCAL® since [and may include date of accreditation]” or “Check our TOP RATED LOCAL® Business Review” with a hyperlink to a currently licensed business’s review.

Requirements for Online Advertising:

The Registered Trademark symbol (®) must always be used in conjunction with the TOP RATED LOCAL® mark and the TOP RATED LOCAL® Shield. If you are using one of Top Rated Local, LLC’s trademarks in any medium not specifically provided to you by Top Rated Local, LLC, you must also incorporate a disclaimer somewhere on your website that states: “TOP RATED LOCAL® and the TOP RATED LOCAL® Shield are registered trademarks of Top Rated Local, LLC.”]

Advertising is only permitted through advertisements created or approved by Top Rated Local, LLC or one of its affiliates or licensors. Advertising with TOP RATED LOCAL® trademarks without consent of Top Rated Local, LLC is prohibited. For the purposes of these terms and conditions, advertising includes your social media platforms including, but not limited to, LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.

A franchisor’s license does not cover its franchisees. Each franchisee must obtain a license through Top Rated Local, LLC. A franchisor’s website may not mislead a consumer that its franchisees are each also TOP RATED LOCAL® if they have not obtained separate license.

b. Prohibited Uses: You may only use the Marks as described above. A currently licensed business is not permitted to reference TOP RATED LOCAL® in commercial advertising or similar promotions in such a manner as to state or imply that a product or service is endorsed or preferred by TOP RATED LOCAL®. Prohibited usages include, but are not limited to:

1. Use of TOP RATED LOCAL® in advertisements not created or approved by Top Rated Local, LLC or one of its affiliates or licensors.

2. Statements such as: “Member, TOP RATED LOCAL®,” “Registered with TOP RATED LOCAL®,” “Check our record with the TOP RATED LOCAL®.”

3. Use of TOP RATED LOCAL® trademarks or materials in anyway not expressly listed above.