Reena K. Vasavada-Parikh, M.D.

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56.00  Rating Score

Of 2 ratings posted on 1 verified review site, Reena K. Vasavada-Parikh, M.D. has an average rating of 5.00 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 56.00.

"Dr Vasavada grew up in the Chicago area and moved to the Seattle in 2006. For her, the Pacific Northwest has become home even though she still roots for the Cubbies. She practiced at Evergreen for many years prior to moving to Swedish Edmonds. She feels that communication and education is very important in caring for her patients. This way she can partner with them and create a care plan that works for their lifestyle and family. She loves her work and for her every delivery is unique and special. She enjoys helping women of all ages with their gynecology concerns and in doing so improve their quality of life. She lives with her husband and her tween twin boys who keep her busy. She loves sports and can be found at the sidelines cheering her boys in their athletic activities. Her interests include reading and cooking. Both she and her husband are strong supporters of the Boys and Girls Club of Snohomish County and the YMCA of Snohomish County. She has a special interest in polycystic ovarian syndrome, high risk pregnancy, laparoscopy and hysteroscopy. "
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