Shubert Natural Health Care And Chiropractic

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58.56  Rating Score
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Of 9 ratings posted on 2 verified review sites, Shubert Natural Health Care and Chiropractic has an average rating of 4.56 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 58.56.

Chiropractor | Natural Internal Disorders Specialist | Alternative Medicine Practitioner | And More Shubert Natural Health Care and Chiropractic is a leading chiropractic Natural Health Care and Wellness office in Wichita, Kansas. Our chiropractic office in Wichita, Kansas sees patients that are interested in natural alternative medicine solutions to healthy spine care, allergies, asthma, digestive problems, reflux, hormonal issues, skin problems, immune system issues, food allergies, constipation, and diarrhea, just to name a few. We do not just treat musculoskeletal pain like the average Wichita chiropractor. At Shubert Natural Health Care and Chiropractic, we provide a wide variety of services. We offer chiropractic services and alternative medicine services. Our Wichita chiropractor Dr. Melody Shubert is a specialist on internal disorders and can get to the cause of problems. She fixes things that the medical profession just covers up with drugs. She is dedicated to educating patients like yourself about their wellness and other natural solutions to common health problems in order to motivate you to take a more active and responsible role in restoring and maintaining your health. Our Wichita chiropractor, understands that although our patients may be diagnosed with the same condition, they respond very differently to treatments. For this reason, we tailor a specific plan of action to meet your needs, goals and unique medical and physical condition. For more details, visit: Insurance: A portion of your initial care may be covered by your insurance company. Clients need to understand that the uncovered portion is their responsibility. Our team will be happy to help you get reimbursed for these services when possible through your plan. Please be advised most natural health care has no insurance coverage. Chiropractor Near Me in Wichita, Kansas: Our chiropractic office is located in Wichita, KS (2456 North Woodlawn Blvd, Wichita, KS 67220), just a short drive from Derby, Andover, Bellaire, Goddard, Augusta and Maize in the zebra striped building. Chiropractic Services in Wichita, KS: Our chiropractic adjustments work to improve the mobility of the spine and muscles to restore range of motion and to reduce stiffness and pain. Chiropractic adjustments are ideal for back pain, neck pain, headaches, injuries, and more. If you would like to make a chiropractic appointment, please call our office to schedule: 316-636-4444. Natural Health Care: Because of Dr. Shubert’s unique approach this office is use to handling patients from all parts of the country including all of Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Iowa, Texas and US. Some of the services we provide are Advanced Allergy Therapeutics, chronic inflammation testing, Brimhall’s 6 steps to wellness, methylation, blood testing, nutrition testing, Internal Disorders Specialist testing, Chelation, cold laser, and Detox footbaths.

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