Stephen Austin Fann, MD

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43.67  Rating Score

Of 6 ratings posted on 2 verified review sites, Stephen Austin Fann, MD has an average rating of 3.67 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 43.67.

Stephen Fann, M.D. is a fellowship-trained general and acute care surgeon in Charleston, South Carolina. He specializes in treating all types of abdominal wall hernias; ventral, incisional, inguinal, flank, and parastomal hernias. He also has expertise with complex wounds such as chronic mesh infections and intestinal fistulae.Dr. Fann performs both open abdominal wall reconstructions as well as robotic and minimally invasive hernia surgery to afford patients all potential options for their hernia repair. He strives to match each patients unique anatomy to the best hernia repair for that individual. With twenty years experience in skeletal muscle tissue engineering, Dr. Fann strives to move hernia care forward through applications of regenerative medicine and better biomaterials. He received his medical degree at the Body School of Medicine in Greenville, North Carolina and performed his critical care fellowship in Columbia, South Carolina. He is a fellow of the American College of Surgeons and maintains certification in Surgical Critical Care. He speaks nationally on topics of hernia repair trauma and acute care surgery.
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