Texas Christian Adoptions, LLC

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80.00  Rating Score
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Of 12 ratings posted on 3 verified review sites, Texas Christian Adoptions, LLC has an average rating of 5.00 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 80.00.

Texas Christian Adoptions, LLC has over 26 years of experience in the field of adoption. We are a licensed child placing agency that provides professional guidance in pre- and post-adoptive services for both birth parents and adoptive families; and counseling services for birth parents, adoptive families and adopted child. Our objectives are to help birth parents determine if placement is in the best interest of both them and their child. Second, to place newborns up to three years of age with families who desire to adopt a child. Third, for birth parents who decide on adoption, we help them through the emotional and legal processes of adoption. Our goal is to ensure solid placements by providing comprehensive counseling to birth parents and to assist the birth parents in a healthy recovery from normal grief and separation loss issues. Texas Christian Adoptions, LLC offers open, semi-open, and closed adoptions. Semi-open adoptions are the most common type of adoption. It means that first names are shared and the birth parents would be receiving updates and pictures until the child is 18 years old. The birthparents can also send correspondences and gifts for the child if they felt comfortable doing so. Texas Christian Adoptions, LLC is a proud member of the BBB, the Grapevine Chamber of Commerce and the Cleburne Chamber of Commerce.

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