Valerie A. Bell, MD, FACOG

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50.50  Rating Score

Of 21 ratings posted on 2 verified review sites, Valerie A. Bell, MD, FACOG has an average rating of 3.60 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 50.50.

From my very first day on an OB/GYN rotation as a medical student, I knew this was the field for me! I can deliver babies, perform surgery and provide preventive health care to women. Every day is different and lets me interact with women in a positive way. In the years that I have worked at Dartmouth Health, I have been able to connect with so many women on a very personal level. This includes adolescents, women of childbearing age, pre-menopausal and menopausal women. As an obstetrician I have been present for the delivery of many babies and enjoy working with families as they welcome their new arrival. I provide care as both a preventive health care provider and as a specialist in OB/GYN problems. I see patients in Nashua but also work one day a month in the Family Medicine office at Dartmouth Hitchcock Clinics Merrimack. I am so fortunate to have met so many unique women, be a part of their lives, and support them during all the phases of their lives.
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