Why You Should Visit Your Local Groomer

Keeping your dog well-groomed is an essential part of pet care. And, although, you can certainly bathe and brush your pooch yourself, there are many benefits to turning to a professional dog groomer near you.

8 Reasons to Get Your Dog Groomed

#1. Your dog will smell great!

The first thing people think of when they think of dogs is not usually a great smell. In fact, when most people think of smelling a dog, an unpleasant odor often comes to mind. Luckily, grooming can change all of that!

If you find yourself holding your nose around your pooch, it’s time to consider getting your dog groomed. A good shampoo can make a world of difference in how your dog smells, making it that much more pleasant to cuddle and hug your furry friend.

Grooming after your dog has gotten wet or dirty is important, but you can keep your dog smelling great by getting them groomed on a regular basis.

#2. Stay ahead of skin issues.

Dogs, like people, are prone to all kinds of skin issues, especially as they age. Dogs can get rashes, lumps, hot spots, lesions, scaly patches, and all kinds of other problems that you need to be aware of and potentially get treated.

The sooner you know a skin problem exists, the sooner you can get your dog the treatment they need. However, these skin issues are not always easy to spot because they are usually covered in fur! That’s where regular grooming comes in handy.

By visiting your groomer regularly, you’ll have an expert eye on your dog on a regular basis. The best groomers can help you keep your dog healthy by spotting skin issues early.

#3. Maintain healthy nails.

Trimming your dog’s nails on your own isn’t always easy. If your dog is anything like mine, it’s a chore to get them to sit still long enough just to clip one nail. And, even then, her nails are black, which makes it impossible to see the quick, which is inside of the nail and consists of a blood vessel and a nerve.

If you trim your dog’s nails too short, you may nick the quick, which will cause your dog’s nails to bleed and can be very painful and shocking for your dog.

But, letting your dog’s nails grow too long can also cause problems. Long nails will start to curl inward and are prone to breaking, which can also be incredibly painful for your dog.

Visiting a groomer can help to take the stress out of keeping your dog’s nails trim and healthy.

#4. Maintain healthy teeth.

A lot of people are under the misguided impression that periodontal disease is only something that affects people. But, the reality is that many, many dogs suffer from periodontal disease, which can put them at greater risk for developing serious conditions, like liver, kidney, or even heart disease.

Like nail trimming, teeth brushing is not something every dog owner is good about doing themselves. It can be difficult to get your dog to cooperate, which can make the process frustrating and challenging.

The right groomer can help to keep your dog’s teeth healthy and their mouth free of gum disease.

#5. Keep ear infections at bay.

Have you noticed a sour smell coming from your dog’s ear? Or has your dog been scratching their ear and shaking their head? These are signs that your dog has an ear infection, which can be very uncomfortable.

Chronic ear infections should not be ignored. They can lead to all kinds of issues down the road, including deafness!

Your dog groomer can help to keep your dogs ears clean and gunk-free, which will help to reduce the risk of infections. This is especially important if your dog has long or droopy ears.

#6. Say goodbye to painful mattes.

If your dog has a longer coat that’s prone to matting, I don’t need to tell you how important it is to brush them out regularly. Missing even just a few days of brushing can lead to mattes that not only look bad but can actually be painful for your dog because they pull on their skin.

Not only will your groomer know how to handle the mattes that your dog has now, but they’ll keep your dog’s coat smooth, which will help to prevent future mattes from forming.

#7. Watch out for parasites.

Summer is upon us, which means that many of us are taking our dogs on hikes, fishing trips, camping trips, and for all kinds of other outdoor activities. It’s also fun to get your pooch outside in nature, but if you’re not careful, it can leave them with ticks or fleas.

Fleas and ticks are tiny and hard to spot, which can mean that your pet is suffering from one of these nasty parasites without you ever knowing.

Grooming involves a careful examination of the skin and fur, which can alert you to any fleas or ticks that may be pestering your pet.

#8. A clean, healthy dog is a happy dog.

Grooming eliminates many things that can be painful or uncomfortable for your dog, and it keeps them looking and feeling their best.

This allows your dog to enjoy their life with you even more, and because they smell and look so good, you’ll love being around them (if possible) even more!

Not all pet groomers will take the time to fully take care of your dog, and it’s important that you find the right person to entrust your precious pup to. Luckily, Top Rated Local® is here to help.

Our local business directory makes it easy to find the best pet groomers near you, as well as to compare groomers side by side based on their overall online reputation. Find a local dog groomer for your furry friend today!

What to Know Before You Adopt a Dog

There’s a lot to consider before adopting a dog.

Lots of people have decided to adopt a dog during this coronavirus pandemic, and while dog adoption is a positive thing in many, many ways, it’s also not something you want to take lightly.

The truth is that there are lots of things you’ll need to know and consider before adopting a dog.

10 Things You Should Consider Before Adopting a Dog

#1. Can I afford to adopt a dog?

Choosing to adopt a dog from a shelter is certainly more affordable than buying a dog from a breeder — by thousands of dollars in some cases — but the costs of adopting a dog are far more than just the adoption fee.

A good home for a dog is one that is able to meet the dog’s needs, including veterinary care, nourishing food, grooming, and lots of toys for its enrichment — the costs of all of which can add up greatly.

Before you adopt a dog, consider all of the costs of providing your furry friend with a good home, and be honest with yourself about whether or not you can truly afford it.

#2. Do I have time to adopt a dog?

As a proud dog parent, I can tell you that dogs take time — lots and lots of time. Between walking, feeding, grooming, cuddling, and playing with my dogs, there’s not a lot of time for much else. They’re a huge part of my life, and any dog you adopt will be a huge part of yours.

Not only does it take a lot of time to care for a dog, but your dog is also going to want to be with you as much as possible. Dogs are very social animals that don’t like to be left alone for long periods of time. Make sure that you have plenty of time to spend with your dog before taking the leap.

#3. How much will the dog’s life change after the pandemic has ended?

Right now, a lot of people are finding themselves home more than ever before. But, even though it may feel like the coronavirus pandemic will never end, it’s important to remember that, sooner or later, it will.

So many people have rushed out to adopt dogs during the pandemic. But, before you do, it’s important to consider what your dog’s post-pandemic life will look like. Will you be able to continue to provide your dog with the same level of care and attention post-pandemic?

A sudden change in a dog’s life — for instance, you being gone at work for eight hours a day when you were previously home all the time — is going to have a huge impact on your dog.

#4. Am I physically capable of taking care of a dog?

Dogs need regular physical activity in order to be healthy, which means that their owners need to be physically fit enough to ensure that they get the exercise they need.

Studies have shown that dog owners get an average of 200 more minutes of walking each week than people who don’t have dogs, and that dog owners are four times more likely to meet exercise guidelines.

#5. What does my living situation look like?

Your living situation has a huge impact on your dog’s quality of life, and on the flipside, your dog will have a huge impact on where you’ll be able to live, particularly if you rent.

Not every landlord is prepared to allow a dog to live in their property, and oftentimes, when you do find a landlord that accepts pets, they’ll charge a pet deposit and/or pet rent.

Apartment life is also a bit more challenging with a dog because it means close neighbors who might get annoyed by barking or whining, as well as the need for frequent trips outside. Furthermore, you need to plan on additional walks since your dog won’t be able to exercise in a backyard.

#6. Can I practice patience?

Dogs don’t often come pre-trained. Most require lots of patience and consistency in order to learn what’s acceptable and what’s not acceptable in your home. It also takes time, and you better believe that you’ll experience a few bumps along the way.

I can’t tell you how many pairs of shoes I’ve lost, how many of my books have been shredded, or how many pairs of my socks have been demolished by my dogs over the years. Dogs, especially when they’re young, operate mostly on impulse. It’s important that you’re willing and able to be patient and weather the storm while they figure out how to control their impulses.

#7. Will I be able to train the dog?

Not every dog needs to be trained as well as a service dog or a dog that works with law enforcement, but every dog needs some degree of training. As a dog parent, it’s up to you to train them.

Training is an important part of creating a harmonious home for your dog. It teaches them what to do and what not to do to keep you happy, but it’s also an important part of keeping your dog safe.

Let’s say that your dog slips out your front door when the delivery person drops off your dinner. A trained dog is more likely to come back when called than an untrained dog, which is more likely to keep running, putting it at risk for getting lost, in a fight with another dog, or run over by a car.

#8. Am I willing to spend time grooming my dog?

Dogs, much like people, require regular grooming in order to be healthy. Not every dog needs a regular haircut, but all dogs need the basics, like having their teeth cleaned, their nails trimmed, and their hair brushed. Some dogs have additional grooming needs, like haircuts or ear cleaning.

Before adopting a dog, inquire about its grooming needs, and make sure that you’re prepared to meet those needs.

#9. Are you ready/able to take on the responsibility of dog parenthood for the long haul?

Dog parenthood isn’t a short-term thing; it’s for the long haul. Dogs can live anywhere from five years to 15+ years, depending on its breed among other things. If you adopt a dog, it’s important that you are able to provide it with love and stability for the rest of its life.

#10. Are you prepared to give up other luxuries?

Sometimes, doing what’s best for your dog requires giving up some of the things you enjoy. For example, dog owners don’t have the luxury of staying out all night or taking a last-minute vacation, because they have a dog waiting for them and relying on them at home.

Having a dog doesn’t necessarily have to mean giving up on your social life or never traveling again, but it does mean being willing and able to make adjustments for the good of your fur child.

Are you ready to adopt a dog? If so, read find the right pet shelter near you with Top Rated Local®. With Top Rated Local, you can read a pet shelter’s reviews from across the web and quickly compare shelters in your community. Get started today.