Make the Most of Leap Day!

Leap Days only happen once every four years!

Most years have 365 days in them, but once every four years, there’s a magical 366th day. This day, my friends, is called Leap Day, and it’s necessary for keeping our calendars in sync with the seasons.

February 29th isn’t just a day that keeps our calendars and seasons in line; it’s an extra day that won’t come around again for four more years. What better time to seize the day than on a day that only comes around once every four years?

Seizing the day isn’t just about expressing your undying love to someone new or facing your biggest fear; there are lots of ways that you can seize this February 29th and make the most out of it.

A Few Ideas to Help You Make the Most of Leap Day

#1. Pamper yourself.

If you’re like most Americans, you’re probably more than a little busy. For most people, weekdays are full of work and the day to day of life, like cooking dinner, taking the dog for a walk, doing the dishes, etc., and weekends are a time to catch up with friends and spend quality time with family. That, unfortunately, leaves very little me-time leftover.

Take advantage of the extra day this year by pampering yourself just a little. For some people, that might mean going to a local nail salon, hair salon, or barbershop. For others, it might mean getting a massage or taking a yoga class. Whatever pampering means to you, the 29th of February is the perfect day to do it.

#2. Share a meal with a friend.

Remember back when you were in high school or college, and you would see your friends almost daily? Sadly, adulthood — and the responsibilities that come with it — makes it challenging for most people to maintain these kinds of friendships. Heck, most of us are so busy that, unless we put it into the Google Calendar, scheduling time to catch up with friends is nearly impossible.

Leap Day is an extra day, though, which makes it a perfectly reasonable day to blow off a few of your adult responsibilities and spend some time catching up with a friend over a delicious meal at a local restaurant.

#3. Learn something new.

Learning and growing are essential parts of a full life. They keep us evolving and changing as life does. Continually learning is also good for our health and wellness; it reduces stress levels, delays symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, and improves memory. But, too often, we get so caught up in our busy schedules that we just don’t have time to sit down and learn something new.

Take advantage of the extra day this year by taking some time to learn something new that interests you. That might mean taking a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu class at your local martial arts center, taking a class on how to create flower arrangements at your local flower shop, or buying a book on a topic you’ve always wondered about at your local book store.

#4. Book a trip.

Few things in life are quite as magical as stepping foot for the first time somewhere you’ve always wanted to go. They say the secret to happiness is spending your money not on filling your home with material goods but on experiences. There are, of course, a lot of unbeatable experiences to be at close to home, but if you’ve always dreamed of going somewhere, near or far, Leap Day is the perfect day to seize the opportunity and finally book your ticket.

Whether you want to travel across the world or across your state, you want to get the best deal on your trip. Working with a local travel agent can be a great option when you want the very best deals. A travel agent can also give you guidance on attractions and tours to take advantage of, where to stay, how to get around, etc.

#5. Treat yourself.

As I’ve established time and time again in this blog, most people are busy. And, while we all need new clothes, shoes, etc. every once in a while, shopping isn’t what it used to be. In yesteryear, when people went shopping, they’d walk around, browsing, and getting out in their community! These days, people just search for exactly what they want online, and that can take the pleasure out of the experience for a lot of people.

Don’t get me wrong, I love to shop online, and it’s often necessary when life gets too busy. But, there’s also something perusing a local boutique or retail store. You get to touch and feel things and try them on! Besides, when was the last time you bought something for yourself? I can’t think of a better day to treat yourself than Leap Day.

#6. Go to the movies.

The end of February is almost here, which means that another Oscars night has come and gone, when I recognized maybe two films that were nominated or received awards. Does this sound familiar to you? Most Americans like going to the movies and would see a lot more of them if they had the time, but having the time is where most Americans run into problems.

Leap Day is a great day to take a couple of hours off of your regularly scheduled life and catch up on a movie you’ve been dying to see. Besides, where else can you get popcorn that’s even remotely in the same league as the popcorn your local movie theater offers?

Make the most of Leap Day with Top Rated Local®.

It’s a day that only happens once a year, so go ahead, take advantage of it and seize the day! Whether your plan is to get your nails done or take a Taekwondo class, turn to Top Rated Local to help you find the right local business for your needs. We can help you find restaurants, movie theaters, beauty salons, nail salons, martial arts centers, travel agents, and more! You can also read reviews and compare local businesses.

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