Mike D.

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Audiology Innovations

95.00  Rating Score
10AM - 2PM ▾

Of 273 ratings posted on 2 verified review sites, Audiology Innovations has an average rating of 4.90 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 95.00.

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I had a great experience with Elan Feldman at Audiology Innovations. I was able to make an appointment and get in to see him on a very timely basis. My original plan was to get some sleep ear plugs made, but during the course of our meeting Elan and I were also able to discuss my hearing issues and we set up a date to have my hearing tested. Once it was determined that I was experiencing some high end hearing loss, Elan provided me with some hearing aids to take home on a free trial basis. We actually tried two different types of hearing aids and I had plenty of time to see if they were for me. In the end they were not, but it was great to have the chance to test drive the hearing aids first. My ear plugs for sleeping were made from an injection mold and custom fitted to my ears. The first set I had made caused a bit of pain when I slept so Elan made some changes to the plugs. When that didn't work out, Elan made a new mold for me and asked the manufacturers to make some adjustments to the final product. In the end, the second set of plugs were a perfect fit. I was very happy with my experience with Elan and Audiology Innovations. Elan took the time to figure out my needs and address them in a manner that left me a satisfied customer. I strongly recommend that you give Audiology Innovations a try for all your hearing needs.