Carlos G.

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Glass Slipper Cleaning Services

84.21  Rating Score

Of 94 ratings posted on 3 verified review sites, Glass Slipper Cleaning Services has an average rating of 4.66 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 84.21.

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This is a Guy named Michael Stickler he owns a business called glass slipper cleaning services. He and his business reside in Rancho Cucamonga California. Mike decided he wanted to knock on my door and case my house with a cleaning lady at the wrong address. My daughter could not answer the door because she was doing her college exams. When I contacted Mike through my security cameras I gave him my phone number to call me so I could find out what in fact is going on and why is he looking through my windows and pounding on my door. After he figured out that he was at the wrong address I asked him to immediately leave my promises and no longer pound on my screen door. His response was to call me an idiot and an a****** followed by kicking my daughters car twice by leaving my property. Additionally I tried speaking to Mike he conveyed that he was going to come back and kick my a**. OK. Anyways if you know Mike or know anybody that does know Mike;show them this video. videos don’t lie let them know what kind of person this guy is.