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Virtual Doorman

94.64  Rating Score

Of 128 ratings posted on 3 verified review sites, Virtual Doorman has an average rating of 4.66 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 94.64.

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I have always had good experiences with my management company's Virtual Doorman service (we've been at our building a year now) but my most recent experience made me want to write a review (I never really do them). I had caught a package thief basically in the act, and prevented one package from being stolen from a neighbor when I got into the elevator with the thief and took it from him. I wanted to check if he had gotten away with other packages, and asked Virtual Doorman to look at their cameras and see if they caught anything. Not only did they say they'd look into it, but I swear I got stuff private investigators would give you! I got back a timeline of the thief's actions from even BEFORE he even entered the building. They were able to tell me he came from across the street via the park on our street, that he buzzed a bunch of apts and said he was making a delivery to get let in (that's how I became aware.... he buzzed my apt but I wouldn't let him in and I felt it was suspicious so that's how my adventure started), and basically how he stole the packages. They even told me what he did AFTER he left. They had camera footage of him putting the boxes in/next to the dumpster on our street. They also got his face, which was amazing since he was wearing a mask most of the time (but the neighbors who let him in couldn't understand what he was saying through the mask so he took it off for a few seconds). They sent me all the videos they had with his criminal acts and I was able to send it to my management company to report to the police. I want to thank Kait and Anna for their incredible work ethic and service. So glad we have Virtual Doorman in our non-doorman building.