Rossanne M.

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Audiology Innovations

95.00  Rating Score
1:37PM - 1:37PM ▾

Of 273 ratings posted on 2 verified review sites, Audiology Innovations has an average rating of 4.90 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 95.00.

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Dr. Scarff told me I needed to get a hearing aid for my right ear, I had no concerns because the hearing aid for my left ear worked well. However, I ended up having problems getting the right aid to work, I was feeling rather frustrated. If this hearing aid had been the first one, I would have been reluctant to consider another. However, with the help and support of Dr. Scarff and Eleese, I persevered and now everything is working well. They were very understanding of my problem and made various suggestions to help. One feature I enjoy is the ComPilot that helps me regulate the settings of the aids in challenging situations. Also, my aids are paired with my computer and phone so I am able to listen to podcasts and music through them. Dr. Scarff and staff were very helpful and knowledgeable in solving my problems.