Matthew L.

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Baessler Homes

71.98  Rating Score
8AM - 5PM ▾

Of 128 ratings posted on 4 verified review sites, Baessler Homes has an average rating of 4.00 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 71.98.

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Exactly 24 hours before I am supposed to close on my home, I have gotten confirmation I will not close. The builder has not gotten the cabinet doors they need and they refuse to close without them. Even though I am okay with not having them for a while. They apparently have a beef with the cabinet company for their lack of performance and they don’t want to send a message that they will close without the product. They feel like the cabinet company will take that as a message that they don’t need to provide the product. Great f****** customer service Baessler. Now my closing has been put off indefinitely until the doors come in.