Mark C.

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Kevin Fox Health and Fitness Consulting

59.40  Rating Score

Of 5 ratings posted on 2 verified review sites, Kevin Fox Health and Fitness Consulting has an average rating of 5.00 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 59.40.

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I am a 58 year old active athlete that has hired multiple trainers and accessed multiple programs over the years including Crossfit and various HIIT programs (P90X, etc). I hired Kevin because I saw him at the gym using one of the squat racks and I thought his form was on point. He was in his street clothes so I didn't know he was a trainer at the time. I ended up hiring Kevin and we worked together for about one year. My training/fitness goals were to increase my overall strength, functionality, pliability and develop a leaner physique. Kevin was able to design a program that provided improvements in all four areas. His high level of intensity during our workouts is something that I required and he always delivered. Kevin moved back to Virginia and I continued to utilize his unique skillset at designing workout protocols for me. I can honestly say that Kevin is one of the best trainers in his field. If you're serious about training, then he's your man.