Megan M.

1 business review
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ProSource of Pittsburgh

77.99  Rating Score

Of 63 ratings posted on 3 verified review sites, ProSource of Pittsburgh has an average rating of 4.37 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 77.99.

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Our sales rep, Ann was very nice, I will give them that. They claim to be a company who works with your contractor but that is not true. Our contractor was never contacted to verify any measurements for our new flooring. We gave them exact and correct measurements and they placed the order from our information. After our contractor finished the job, somehow we had twice the amount of flooring and padding that was needed. We then realized that they had ordered double the amount that was needed and we had already paid for it! After a few back and forths they did say they would take it back but we would have been charged a restocking fee. Total BS!!! They do have very nice products and we would have returned to purchase many more items for kitchen and bath remodels but now I would never step foot back in that store.