Gordon C.

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Audiology Innovations

95.00  Rating Score
10AM - 2PM ▾

Of 273 ratings posted on 2 verified review sites, Audiology Innovations has an average rating of 4.90 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 95.00.

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Getting hearing aids is not an immediate solution. It takes time to learn to hear the input from them as 'normal'. In my case it took more than a month, and I am still learning. However, It has filled a deficit in my hearing and hopefully will assist me to continue to hear longer. Like any artificial aid, it is not perfect, there are problems. The staff have been helpful and understanding in working with me. The most important thing is to wear them all the time, track the things where you have problem and bring them back to the doctors who can adjust your hearing aids. It takes time.