Deborah S.

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StandUp Wireless

48.61  Rating Score

Of 18 ratings posted on 2 verified review sites, StandUp Wireless has an average rating of 3.62 stars. This earns a Rating Score™ of 48.61.

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This company is running some kind of scam. I applied for service that I am absolutely entitled to in late September at one of their pop up sites after waiting an hour, she’s got the device out setting it up then says “oh sorry you don’t qualify” and put it back in the box. When I spoke to customer service the next day and was told to go back and tell them that I was qualified and they could call customer service if they had an issue, which they did call were told to give it to me, but she claimed she didn’t know where the tablet was and couldn’t give me a different one. Another call to customer service and I was told they would send me one, which never happened! Now over a month later and severs more calls they still have me wrapped up with an account and I can’t get one anywhere else!! Apparently they activate it in your name, then tell you that you didn’t qualify so they have an active tablet that they can sell elsewhere.