7 Uplifting Stories to Brighten Your Day

There’s a lot of uncertainty in the world right now, and it can feel like a very dark place in many ways. However, the worst circumstances tend to bring out the best in some people, and there are a ton of stories out there that can help to shine a light on the world right now and bring a little positivity to your life.

Brighten Your Day With 7 Uplifting Stories

Story #1. 3D printing for the frontlines of the pandemic.

James Fambrough, a Marketing Executive at Marketing 360® and owner of Maker 3D Printing, has stepped up in a big way to help the men and women on the frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic by printing respiratory face masks and face shields for hospitals, doctors, and first responders in Northern Colorado.

Before the coronavirus pandemic, James was establishing Maker 3D Printing’s YouTube channel, which was devoted to educating people about 3D printing, but within just a few days of the quarantine, Maker 3D Printing had partnered with Wuxn 3D to print PPE for healthcare workers. In addition to printing PPE, Maker 3D Printing offers templates on its website for COVID-19 respirator masks, face shields, and ventilator valves along with instructions, allowing others with 3D printers to help make a difference.

Visit Maker 3D Printing online today to learn more, download 3D printing templates, or donate to the cause!

Story #2. Cities cheer healthcare workers.

The people who are on the front lines of this pandemic are absolutely the healthcare workers who compassionately take care of the people in their care despite the risk of getting infected themselves. The people of New York City and other big cities from around the country have decided to head onto their roofs or open their windows to applaud the men and women who put their lives on the line each day to take care of others every night at 7 pm.

The #ClapBecauseWeCare movement started circulating on social media last Friday. If you’re in a big city and would like to be a part of it, or if you’d like to learn more, click here.

Story #3. Peyton Manning donates blood.

Social distancing restrictions are necessary for preventing widespread infection, but there are many unforeseen complications that come with it. One of these consequences is the decline in blood donations. With blood drives being canceled across the country, there is now a severe shortage of blood donations for those who need them.

Lots of people are feeling helpless and looking for ways to help, and donating blood is a great way to make a difference right now. Peyton Manning, along with Brandon Stokley, decided to lead by example by donating blood to the Children’s Hospital Colorado’s Blood Donor Center on Thursday.

Click here to learn more about Peyton’s donation and how to make your own.

Story #4. Italians connect using music.

Struck hard by coronavirus, Italians have been quarantined in their homes for weeks. With physical distance separating them, many Italians have learned to connect with each other in other ways, namely, with music.

With the help of a radio station, people all over Italy tuned in to the same station and sang their national anthem in unison. Many opened their windows or wandered onto balconies so that they could fly Italian flags and sing with their neighbors and community.

Click here to learn more and watch the many videos of this touching moment of solidarity.

Story #5. NBA players cover the wages of arena workers who have lost their jobs.

The cancelation of the rest of the NBA season came so abruptly that it happened right before tipoff of the Oklahoma City Thunder/Utah Jazz game, after a Jazz player tested positive for coronavirus. Not only did this affect the players, the coaches, the team owners, and the many, many fans, it also affected thousands of arena employees who were immediately out of their livelihood.

This fact has not been lost to NBA players, and many have set out to help the people who, they say, are a critical part of what makes going to games so great. Three of the players that have come out to support arena employees include Giannis Antetokounmpo, Kevin Love, and Zion Williamson, who have all pledged thousands of dollars to protect the paychecks of the workers in their home arenas.

Click here to learn more about how NBA players have rallied to help arena workers.

Story #6. Uber Eats is making delivery possible.

The vast majority of businesses have been affected by coronavirus and the social distancing requirements designed to prevent its spread, but restaurants have been among the hardest hit. Many restaurants have adapted to offering carry-out and — for the ones that can — delivery options for the first time in order to avoid closing their dogs altogether. However, for many independent restaurants, delivery has not been an option.

UberEats has set out to make delivery possible for independent restaurants by waiving delivery fees. According to Uber Eats, that’s no small feat, as there are more than 100,000 independent restaurants on the app.

Click here to learn more about how Uber Eats is making delivery possible for thousands of independent restaurants.

Story #7. Neighbors support each other through Nextdoor.

For many people, getting the essentials they need is as easy as going to the grocery store or the pharmacy while maintaining a six-foot distance and washing their hands carefully afterward. But, for millions of Americans, the risk of going to the grocery store or the pharmacy is just too high to take. Luckily, people have been using the Nextdoor app to connect with their neighbors and help those in need.

People falling into high-risk categories have been reaching out to their neighbors on Nextdoor requesting help with things like grocery shopping and pharmacy pickups, and their neighbors have been stepping up in large numbers to help. Nextdoor has even launched a Help Map to make connecting with your neighbors in need easier.

There’s no denying that things are tough for a lot of people right now, but there are plenty of good things going on that can uplift and inspire you.

There are so many ways that you can do your part to help during this difficult time. One such way is to leave a review for the small businesses you love and rely on in your community. Those reviews help small businesses stand out online and can provide a little encouragement for a small business that really needs it.

Find your favorite local businesses with Top Rated Local® — your go-to business directory — today and leave a review!

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